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Introduction to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
S3 Regions, Buckets and Objects
Example: Create Bucket in S3
Example: Upload - Make Public - Rename - Delete File in S3
Example: Delete and Restore Files in S3
S3 REST API Overview
Durability, Availability and Data Consistency
S3 Access Control
Hosting a Static Website on S3
Example: Hosting a Static Website on S3
Prefixes and Delimiters
S3 Storage Classes
Object Lifecycle Management
Exemple: Lifecycle Policy Management with S3
S3 Encryption and Key Management
S3 Versioning
Example: Version Control in S3
Example: Recovering an Object's From a Previous Version
S3 Multi-Factor Authentication Delete
S3 Pre-Signed URLs
S3 Multipart Uploads
S3 Range GETs
S3 Cross-Region Replication
S3 Logging
S3 Event Notfications
Amazon Glacier
Introduction to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
EC2 Basics
Example: Create an EC2 Instance
Example: SSH into EC2
Introduction to Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
EC2 AMI - Amazon Machine Images
EC2 - Security Groups
EC2 - IP Addresses
EC2 - Payment Types
EC2 & EBS - Section Summary
Introduction to Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)
Amazon VPC
Optional Elements of a Network
Example: Create a VPC Network and Subnet
Introduction to Load Balancing and Autoscaling
Introduction to Elastic Load Balancing (Amazon ELB)
Amazon ELB
Example: Create an Application Load Balancer
ELB Summary
Introduction to Amazon CloudWatch
Introduction to Auto Scaling
AWS Identity and Access Management
Amazon IAM
Example: Create a User Using IAM
Example: Enable MFA Using IAM
Example: Create IAM Groups
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