Course description


This course is designed so that you can follow along! As I create a Virtual Machine using the Azure Portal, you can be doing the exact same steps yourself! Pause the video if you need to, or run it at double speed, the choice is up to you! 

In this course, we create a traditional 3-tier application structure inside Microsoft Azure. By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Create a Windows VM using the Azure Portal
  • Create a Windows VM using Powershell and ARM Templates
  • Create a Linux VM using the Azure Portal
  • Create a Linux VM using CLI and ARM Templates
  • Create a Public-facing Load Balancer, and configure it to work with web servers
  • Create an Internal-only Load Balancer, and configure it to work with application servers
  • Create an Azure SQL Database
  • Create a Secondary SQL Database, for failover in case the primary goes down
  • Set up Automatic Failover so that Azure monitors the state of your database for you

There's a lot going on! And learn it all in around 90 minutes!

Microsoft Azure is one of the hottest cloud computing platforms that there is. They consistently announce growth over 90% year over year, and have done that for years. It's time for you to learn cloud computing and Microsoft Azure. Yes, there are other platforms out there that you can learn. And I recommend you learn more than one. But why not give yourself a few hours this afternoon to learn Azure and experience this amazing platform.

The skills you learn today will stay with you for years to come and help you grow in your career.

Enroll today!

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Course

    2. See What We Will Create Together

    1. Create Our First Windows VM using the Azure Portal

    2. Save ARM Templates

    3. Validate the VM Works

    4. Create Another Windows VM Using ARM Templates and PowerShell

    5. Virtual Machine Quiz

    6. Create Both of the Load Balancers

    7. Create Our First Linux VM using the Azure Portal

    8. Create Another Linux VM Using Bash Scripts / Cloud Shell

    9. Validate the Linux VM

    1. Create Our First SQL Database

    2. Set Up Automatic Failover to a Secondary Region

    1. Install IIS Web Server on the Windows Virtual Machines

    2. Configure Front-End Load Balancer for Public Traffic

    3. Configure Back-End Load Balancer for Internal Traffic

    1. What Did We Learn?

About this course

  • Free
  • 17 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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The World Needs More Cloud-Trained Superheros

Companies say finding workers with cloud skills is their #1 challenge in 2018. You can put yourself well above the pack by getting the skills that employers are looking for.