Course curriculum

    1. DP-100 Course Welcome

    2. Exam Requirements

    1. Create an Azure Machine Learning workspace

    2. Azure ML Workspace Settings - Portal

    3. Azure ML Studio Settings

    1. Datastores and Datasets

    2. Create Additional Datasets

    1. Create an experiment compute instance

    2. Manage multiple compute instances

    3. Create compute targets and clusters

    1. Creating Our First ML Pipeline

    2. Submitting the Pipeline for Training and Evaluation

    3. Custom Code in a More Complicated Pipeline

    4. Explaining the Complicated Pipeline

    5. Evaluating the Execution Results

    6. Azure ML Designer Errors

    7. Azure ML Designer Modules

    1. Setup SDK for Azure ML

    2. Create ML Workspace using SDK

    3. Hello, World in Python

    4. Train a Model using SDK

    5. Submit Experiment using SDK

About this course

  • $99.00
  • 34 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content